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What is HEEALS Psychology Internship?

What is HEEALS Psychology Internship?

Psychology is an age-old science. But, today we have begun to care about mental health genuinely. We need informal talks on this but that wouldn’t be sufficient. Proper healthcare professionals can only handle the issues of mental health and depression. We need more people in India who study psychology and are practitioners to come to the front to address the issues that trouble people (from all age groups) on daily basis. Then only we can set up a good healthcare system To get a job, a first internship is required. So, here we will review and focus on how and why to get a psychology internship online in this field. 



What is Psychology Internship?

A psychology internship is the same as any other internship which allows psychology students to gain some experience before they start working as a professional in the corporate world. Most of the students do internships during graduation or post-graduation so that they gain enough experience to start working as a professional after they complete their studies. There are a lot of internships for psychology students and there are many fields in psychology students can do internships in all of the fields during the internship, they are required to conduct research, consult with clients, learn from seniors and find solutions for different issues. We will be now looking at what internships can psychology students do.


Internships will increase the weightage of your resume and increase the level of your experience. Moreover, in the field of psychology, you must have first-hand experience and practical knowledge of skills you have learned, to be able to practice as a psychologist and receive the license.

What Can Psychology Students Do As An Intern?

Before you head into any job, an internship has become very important to enhance skills and get first-hand experience. But being a psychology student, knowing what kind of internship you can do is equally important. Here we are presenting a few of the internship for psychology students/ psychology internship online you can pursue as a psychology student.

1. Internship in Research

There are a wide variety of options available in this field of internship as there are several fields under psychology and all of them require research and testing. With the internship in research, you will be able to learn about the market and have knowledge of the industry. 

2. Internship in Counselling Students

In this internship, you have worked as a psychologist for students and helped students who need counsellors. You need to address the needs of students and help them in coping with the stress. You need to have patience and work with both students and parents. These days performing online counselling is also getting good responses as a career option and after the Covid'19 spread career options have been drastically changed for many industries.

3. Internship in Clinical Psychology

You can do an internship in any clinic around you. Here you can directly work in the given field and do research. You have to do research and manage the data and also come up with solutions to the problems with the help of research.

4. Internship for Psychology Students in Child Counselling

In a child counselling internship, you have to work on analyzing the development of a child and understand what is child counselling. You will have to do research and will also know about the cognitive development of children. This field requires observation and working with both parents and children.

5. Internship in Social And Community Work

Internship as a social worker and community worker, you will have to work in clinics where you will be able to experience different kinds of needs, and also you will be supporting the needs of many families and children. This internship will allow you to experience and understand which field of psychology is best for you

Why is Psychology Internship So Important?

Internships these days have become very important. Every single job today requires the candidates to have done an internship. Internships will increase the weightage of your resume and increase the level of your experience. Moreover, in the field of psychology, you must have first-hand experience and practical knowledge of skills you have learned, to be able to practice as a psychologist and receive the license. Here are some of the reasons why an internship is important.

1. It Will Give a Direction to Your Career

Internships will give your career direction. When you start doing an internship you will understand what area in psychology interests you the most and which field you must take for further studies or practice. It will help you form a concrete goal and a concrete path and become a psychologist in the future or a counselor and will get good career options.

2. It Will Help You With An Increased Competence

Internship helps with increased competence and allows you to gain experience which will let you work efficiently and successfully. You will be able to develop competence in many fields and will also develop experience of working with different people and maintaining professionalism

3. It Will Let You Have a Habit of Working

Working in the corporate world is not easy. Having done an internship will allow you to form a habit of work and adjust to the corporate world setting. This will help you to move through the transition phase and learn how to become a professional.

4. It Will Give You Practical Knowledge And Guidance

Working as a psychology intern will help you to convert your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is a very different form of practical work. Therefore working as an intern is very important before you become a professional psychologist. It also helps you gain guidance from seniors and other professional psychologists.

5. It Will Let You Have Marketable Knowledge And Professionalism

Having market knowledge is important before you enter the corporate world. The internship will help you gain marketable knowledge and know about industries and different fields. It will let you work with professionals and develop the skills of professionalism as an intern in psychology has to also exhibit professionalism.

6. It Improves Your Communication Skills And Ability To Contact Your Clients

When you will start your internship you will be contacting different clients and will consult them regarding their issues, medications, and tests. In this way, you will be able to develop the skill of communication and learn how to contact the clients and be able to deal with them.

7. You Will be Able to Sharpen Your Knowledge And Skills And Also Acquire New Skills

Internships allow you to sharpen and become efficient and effective in your already learned skills and also give you the chance to learn and develop new skills and gain knowledge. During internships, you will work with seniors and learn more from them. Moreover, you will get efficient and will be able to learn about different aspects of the field and explore them.

8. It Increases The Chance of Finding Jobs

Internships will give weightage to your resume and place you a little ahead of your contemporaries. Students who have done internships are likely to have more chances to get a job than the ones who haven't. If you wish to get a good job then doing an internship becomes important.

9. It Will Increase Your Confidence

The most important thing that is required in the medical field is having confidence. If you are not confident in yourself, how can you expect your patients to trust you? Internships help in building confidence, there are a lot of online internship for psychology students  It increases the level of your confidence and self-esteem. In the end, you gain a lot from doing an internship.

What Do You Gain From The Psychology Internship?

1. You become an active listener 

Well, good listening skills are needed in almost all jobs and even all online internship for psychology students. But, psychologists have to deal with people who are suffering from crisis and are not in a position to explain their situations nicely. In this case, not only psychologist will have to constantly pester them with questions but also record everything they utter for proper diagnosis.

2. You will be able to empathize with others 

Empathy is such a great emotion. Not only psychologists but even normal people should have this emotion. It can make this world a better place. During the internship period, bachelors get to see so many patients. The amount of exposure is enough for them to realize the importance of empathizing with other human beings. Not only does it ease out the process of clinal diagnosis but also makes the patient comfortable.

3. You will learn to create balance in emotions  

Balancing emotions is very much necessary for a doctor or a psychologist. This thing is not specific to these professions. Psychologists have to maintain a stable mind so that they can hear the problems of their patients. Maintaining a balanced nature helps them in long run. The job is hectic and overwhelming emotions can destroy the core feeling of this job.

4. The Ability to work in a Multicultural Environment

Office life is very different from college life. You can expect to see various new things when you are exposed to the workplace. The pressure to mingle with people coming from diverse backgrounds can be tough and you learn these things during the internship only.

5. The ability of problem-solving 

Life is challenging for everyone not just for psychologists. Keep this thing in mind. But psychologists have to be quick and smart so that they can actually cater to the needs of the people. Unexpected cases come and we need intelligent brains for that purpose. Solving real-world problems is something that everybody should know. Dealing with technical problems is easy as it doesn’t have emotions or lives involved but it is imperative that psychologists know how to handle problems in situations of distress.

6. You will gain the skill of Communication - 

Communication is the key aspect of any profession. You need to have a good connection with your batchmates and coworkers. This makes you comfortable in the workplace and helps you prosper in other domains also. Good communication skills help you gain access to high-quality information also. If you are on good terms with your seniors then believe us you are already one step ahead of many people at your level.


Psychology should be seen as a science that is cable of solving complex problems like depression, anxiety, and severe obsessions. Psychologists need to undergo so much training to become good at their job. There are a lot of job opportunities and internship for psychology students, one just needs to do the right effort. We need such healthcare workers who are ready to work on their skills every time. The amount of dedication and devotion needed to achieve excellence in their domain is commendable. We hope that we were able to give you accurate information. Stay tuned for more updates on this topic.

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