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 Volunteer Blog  

Contact us

alt  Address: #692, Sector 22-B.                                                           
Gurgaon-122015, Haryana (India)                                                          

alt E -Mail:                                                                                                               

alt Phone: (+91) 0124-4240984  Whats app no : +917982316660                                                    Skype: heeals.communications 

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For Online Volunteering

Online Volunteering

Many people in all regions of the world have the skills, knowledge, experiences, and ideas to strengthen the capacities of development organizations. If you would like to be an online volunteer with us, you could do a variety of things in the comfort of your home or office.

Your Checklist

  • Do you have regular access to the Internet?
  • Are you comfortable working on your own?
  • Are you self-motivated
  • Are you comfortable working with people who might be from totally different backgrounds and different sets of values than your own?
  • Are you able to communicate openly and honestly?

You can perform following activities to actively volunteer with us as Overseas Social Envoy as per your specified time and schedule:

  • You can start and become admin of our overseas social envoy Facebook page ( still in starting process ) 
  • You can create buzz about HEEALS work on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google Plus, etc.
  • You can spread words about our fundraising campaign in and around different groups and individuals 
  • Start interacting with people on twitter and other social media channels as a HEEALS member 
  • We are running a Heeals Volunteer Engagement Program where we call volunteers/Interns and GapYear Students from overseas to volunteer in our projects in India, you can acts a single point of information for this project and can help us getting volunteers from Your country or Continent .
You can help us collaborate with Universities , colleges to get more volunteers and students .

There are various other activities and things you can do and perform with HEEALS.

We will provide you with following training and support to become our trained Heeals Overseas Social Envoy:

  • Social Media Training about all the channels and different techniques to attract people 
  • Training about marketing online and offline 
  • HEEALS Project brief and working procedure
  • Non Profit Group Functioning and ways of working 
  • Non Profit Group Management , Marketing and operation techniques
  • Volunteering Management 
All the training will be provided by our dedicated staff over the Skype with supporting documents for you to read .

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Whatssapp :+91-7982316660.